Performance of the piece ‚Meltdown‘ by Leon Eckard at Oolong Radio in SOMA ART, Berlin.
Performance of the piece Siri Meltdown with artist Marija Mitrovic in Abeceda Institute, Amsterdam.
Performance of the piece ‚Cybernetic Reverie‘ by Leon Eckard at Mahalla, Berlin. The performance was part of CTM Vorspiel 2023
Performance within the installation ‚Metamorphosen – Topology of the City‘ together with flutist Francesco Marzano.
Performance of the piece ‚Contemplation II‘ with the instrument ‚Belafon‘ – a modified Balafon at InKüLe in University of the Arts, Berlin. Balafon is a west african wood instrument, which is modified with a Bela Computer running SuperCollider. The instrument unfolds its sound after steady playing.
Performance of the piece ‚Contemplation I‘ with the instrument ‚Belafon‘ – a modified Balafon at perfocrazE Internation Artist Residency (pIAR) in Kumasi, Ghana. Balafon is a west african wood instrument, which is modified with a Bela Computer running SuperCollider. The instrument unfolds its sound after steady playing.